• Baby Food
  • Discover How to Supplement With Formula

    by Jennifer Fernandez September 11, 2023 9 min read

    Discover How to Supplement With Formula


    In the journey of parenthood, many new mothers encounter the need to supplement their breast milk with formula at some point for reasons such as low milk supply, latch issues or returning to work.

    We want to dispel any misconceptions and stigma surrounding formula feeding while acknowledging the reality that your ability to breastfeed exclusively may not always be possible.

    We get it; deciding to supplement can be emotionally charged and overwhelming, especially if it wasn't originally part of your parenting plan. That's why being well-informed is crucial to ensure your baby gets the right nourishment and care.

    Knowing the different formula types, their ingredients, and how to prepare infant formula empowers you to choose the best option for your little one's specific requirements when adding formula to their diet.

    So, let's embark on this adventure together! In this article, we will support and educate you on how to supplement with formula, giving you the confidence to make the best decisions for your baby's well-being.

    Understanding the Need for Supplementing with Formula

    Introducing supplemental formula as an alternative to breast milk is a carefully considered decision, guided by various scenarios and reasons that parents may encounter.

    Let's go over some of the reasons that parents may choose to use breast milk and formula.


    Common scenarios and reasons for introducing formula

    Reasons for Introducing Baby Formula | Organic's Best


    1. Maternal health concerns: One common reason is maternal health concerns, where certain medical conditions or medications may make breastfeeding unsafe or incompatible, necessitating the use of baby formula to ensure sufficient nutrition.

    2. Return to work or other commitments: For working moms or those with other commitments, exclusive breastfeeding might be challenging due to time constraints. Introducing formula may help mothers to maintain more balance, providing nourishment to their little ones even when they cannot breastfeed.

    3. Intolerance: In rare cases where infants may have lactose intolerance or other specific nutritional requirements, formula can offer a suitable alternative to meet their unique needs.

    4. Shared Responsibility: Introducing formula creates opportunities for other caregivers, such as the baby's father or family members, to actively participate in feeding and bonding moments.

    5. Weaning from breastfeeding: As infants grow and develop, parents may opt to gradually wean their breastfed babies from breast milk and use a formula in its place. This is a personal choice which can be made as a result of a baby's readiness for solid foods or a mother's desire to regain her pre-pregnancy lifestyle while still ensuring her baby receives the necessary nutrients.


    Concerns and misconceptions about exclusive breastfeeding

    While feeding breast milk offers numerous health benefits, it's crucial to understand that supplementing with formula doesn't diminish the love and bond between parents and their babies. Formula feeding can be a valuable and safe option that still fosters a strong connection with your little one.

    One common misconception is about the nutritional adequacy of formula compared to breast milk. Parents may wonder if baby formula can provide all the essential nutrients and benefits that an exclusively breastfed baby receives.

    Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization advocate for exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of a baby's life. Modern formulas are carefully designed to provide comprehensive nutrition and support healthy growth and development, although they do not contain all of the bioactive components found in breast milk.

    Another concern that some parents have is that introducing formula may cause nipple confusion or difficulty latching during breastfeeding. While this is a commonly cited concern, evidence on nipple confusion is not strongly conclusive, and many infants successfully switch between breastfeeding and bottle feeding without significant issues.

    While some babies may experience challenges initially, it's often a temporary adjustment, and many infants successfully switch between breastfeeding and bottle feeding without significant issues.


    Consulting healthcare professionals for guidance

    The decision to supplement with formula doesn't have to be made alone. When considering supplementing with formula, seeking guidance from healthcare professionals can be tremendously beneficial.

    They can provide personalized advice based on the specific needs of both the baby and the mother, ensuring the best feeding approach for a happy and healthy journey. So, don't hesitate to reach out to your baby's pediatrician or a lactation consultant to discuss any questions or concerns you may have, as they are there to support you.


    Choosing the Right Formula for Your Baby's Needs

    Entering the world of infant formula can be pretty overwhelming. When it comes to formula options, there are a variety to explore, each with their own unique characteristics.


    Decoding Formula Types

    Common baby formula types include:
     3 Popular Formula Types | Organic's Best

    1) Cow's milk-based formula: Cow's milk-based formulas are the go-to choice for many parents, and for good reason. Packed with proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals, these formulas are nutritionally complete and support your little one's growth and development. Plus, they are super easy to find and prepare!

    2) Goat's milk-based formula: Ever wondered if there's a gentler option out there for your baby's sensitive tummy? That's where goat milk formula comes in! Goat's milk contains smaller milk fat globules, which is easier on some babies' digestion. European brands offer a wide variety of goat milk options. It's important to be aware that goat milk formula is not suitable for babies with cow's milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance.

    3) Specialized formulas: Specialty formulas are designed for specific medical conditions or special dietary needs. For instance, there are hypoallergenic formula options which are intended for babies who are at risk of milk allergies and lactose-free formulas used in cases of lactose intolerance. And that's not all—popular brands like HiPP even offer anti-reflux and comfort formulas, providing extra comfort for those precious tiny tummies!

    Depending on which milk you choose, they can come in powder baby formula, a liquid concentrate, or convenient ready-to-feed options. Understanding the differences between each type can help you weigh the options and figure out what is best suited for your baby's diet and your family's lifestyle.

    While there is a wealth of information available, consulting healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians or lactation consultants, can provide invaluable guidance in choosing the most appropriate formula for your baby.


    Introducing Formula Alongside Breastfeeding: How to Create a Feeding Plan

    The first step on this journey should be coming up with a plan for supplementing breast milk with formula. This will help smooth the transition for both you and your breastfed baby.


    Tips for introducing formula gradually and ensuring a smooth transition

    Before you make any changes to your baby's diet, it's essential to consult your pediatrician or healthcare provider to determine the appropriate amount of formula to supplement with. Every baby's needs are unique, and your doctor can offer personalized guidance based on factors like your baby's age, weight, growth rate, and any specific health considerations.

    Depending on the recommendations from your baby's doctor, a gradual transition can look like replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle of formula per day and then gradually increasing the amount over time.

    Here are some additional tips to help you throughout this transition period:


    Tips for Introducing Formula | Organic's Best


    1) Observe Baby's Cues: Pay close attention to your baby's reactions during and after feeding. Look for signs of contentment and comfort to ensure your baby's formula is well-tolerated.

    2) Mix Breast Milk and Formula: If you're comfortable with it, you can mix breast milk and supplemental formula in the same bottle to ease the transition. When mixing milk, gradually increase the proportion of formula over time until your baby is fully accustomed to the new taste. Just make sure to prepare the formula according to the manufacturer's instructions prior to adding breast milk to the formula bottles.

    3) Offer Formula in Familiar Settings: Choose a calm and familiar environment for offering the formula to minimize disruptions. A relaxed atmosphere can help your baby feel at ease during this new experience.

    4) Involve Caregivers: If you have other caregivers, like the baby's father or grandparents, you can involve them in feeding your baby with formula. This allows your baby to bond with different caregivers and can make the transition smoother.

    5) Be Patient: Transitioning to formula can take time, and some babies may take longer to adapt than others. If your baby refuses formula at first, be patient and understanding throughout the process, allowing your baby to set the pace. If your baby or you are struggling to adapt to combo feeding, be sure to reach out to a lactation consultant.


    Establishing a Successful Combination Feeding Routine

    Finding the perfect feeding routine for supplementing with formula may take time, but we've put together some tips on how to actively make choices that nurture a positive feeding experience for you and your baby in the meantime.


    How to maintain a healthy breast milk supply for your breastfed baby

    You may be worried about not being able to produce enough milk once you start to introduce formula, and that concern is valid!

    To ensure a robust milk supply for breastfeeding, it's crucial to continue breastfeeding on demand or pump breast milk whenever possible because frequent nursing sessions help stimulate milk production. Using a breast pump is a great practice because pumped breast milk provides the baby with the benefits of breast milk even during formula feeding.


    Formula Preparation and Handling

    Formula feeding does take a few extra steps compared to exclusively breastfeeding. So, here are some simple guidelines on how to prepare baby formula:

    • Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Always read and follow the instructions provided on the formula packaging carefully. Different formulas may have specific mixing ratios, water temperatures, or preparation methods.

    • Use Clean Bottles and Nipples: Before each use, sterilize and wash your formula bottle, nipples, and other feeding equipment with warm, soapy water.

    • Measure Accurately: Use the provided scoop or measuring utensil to add the correct amount of powdered formula to the water.

    • Mix Gently: Close the bottle tightly and gently shake it to mix the formula thoroughly. Avoid shaking too vigorously, as it can create excessive bubbles that may lead to discomfort for your baby.

    • Check Temperature: Always test the formula's temperature before bottle feeding your baby. Drip a few drops on your wrist to ensure it is comfortably warm, not too hot. If using a formula warmer, follow the manufacturer's instructions to prevent overheating.

    • Discard Unused Formula: Any formula left in the bottle after a feeding should be discarded because bacteria can grow rapidly in the leftover formula.


    Nurturing Your Baby's Feeding Experience

    You may feel that formula feeding takes away from the special bonding experience that breastfeeding provides. However, while you formula feed, you can still experience many of the same benefits which we cover below!


    Embracing the connection during both breastfeeding and baby formula feeding

    To nurture your connection during feeding sessions, try the following methods:

    How to nurture your connection during feeding sessions | Organic's Best


    1) Create a Calm Environment: Whether you're breastfeeding or formula feeding, creating a calm and nurturing environment can foster a strong connection between you and your baby. Find a quiet space free from distractions where you can focus on the feeding experience together.

    2) Practice Skin-to-Skin Contact: Skin-to-skin contact is not exclusive to breastfeeding. You can also practice this bonding technique during formula feedings by holding your baby close to your bare chest. Skin-to-skin contact promotes feelings of security and love.

    3) Hold Your Baby Close: Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, hold your baby close to your body. This physical closeness fosters a sense of security and comfort during feeding time.

    4) Talk and Sing: Engage with your baby through gentle talking and singing while feeding. Your soothing voice can create a warm and positive feeding experience, enhancing the connection between you and your baby.


    Responsive Feeding

    It is important to honour your baby's cues and needs throughout the feeding journey. This will ensure that they feel safe and secure while getting used to feeding.

    Recognizing Hunger Cues

    You can practice responsive feeding by watching for hunger cues, such as rooting, sucking on their hands, or opening their mouth. Offer the breast or bottle as soon as you notice these cues.

    Recognizing Fullness Cues

    On the other hand, also be attentive to your baby's signals that they are full. Babies will often turn away from the breast or bottle, slow down their sucking, or become less interested when they are satisfied.

    Setting the Pace

    During feedings, it's important to let your baby set the pace, whether it's breastfeeding or formula feeding. This allows your baby to feel in control of their feeding experience and helps develop a positive association with feeding time.

    Comfortable Positioning

    It is also recommended to hold your baby close in a semi-upright position, allowing you to see their adorable face and establish eye contact. Reassure them with gentle words and loving glances throughout the feed, and don't forget to alternate the side you hold your baby to provide them with equal attention and comfort during each feeding session.


    Conclusion: Embracing Combo Feeding with Confidence

    Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to feeding your baby, and whether you exclusively breastfeed, introduce formula, or combine both, what matters most is the love, care, and attention you provide during this precious time.

    Above all, our goal is to empower parents with knowledge and support. Making informed choices about formula supplementation and breastfeeding helps prioritize your baby's health and well-being.

    By seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, listening to your baby's cues, and embracing a nurturing feeding environment, you can confidently navigate supplementing with formula on your breastfeeding journey!



    Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

    Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

    Jennifer Fernandez
    Jennifer Fernandez

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